The EWRI student chapter at UB serves as a platform to bring together graduate students interested in water resources engineering and related fields, and to facilitate their academic and professional development. To meet this goal, EWRI at UB shall organize academic and social events to promote knowledge of the behavior and importance of the world’s water resources. Our student chapter at UB will encourage multidisciplinary collaborative efforts and provide opportunities to the student community to benefit from interactions with engineers in academia and industry. We aim to promote a culture of professionalism among students and bring awareness of the state of the art in sustainable development practices for our water bodies.
Our mission is to advance water resources and environmental solutions to achieve a sustainable future. The Environmental & Water Resources Institute is ASCE’s technical source for environmental and water-related issues. EWRI is one of nine ASCE technical institutes. Our members include professionals whose focus areas are:
The Environment;
Surface Water;
Hydraulics and Waterways;
Irrigation and Drainage;
Planning and Management;
Urban Water Resources;
Water Supply, Wastewater, and Stormwater;
Domestic and International Interdisciplinary Issues.